Can a Dry Cleaner Remove Urine Odor from Drapery?
What I should ask the dry cleaner after I discover that my cats urinated on my draperies/Curtains.
This is the story of Mrs. Elizabeth from Tampa, Florida.

What you should ask the dry cleaner when you have a drapery that’s saturated with a cat or dog urine odor
I realize this morning that my cat urinated on my draperies.
Later I reach the point of madness and aggravation, I believed it will be an easy job to get rid of the stain and wipe out the urine smell.
I call my dry cleaner and I ask them “do you clean draperies?” And his answer was absolutely.
I took down my draperies and place them in a box.
I left the draperies at the dry cleaner, hoping that they’ll take out the urine odor.
Two weeks later, I picked up the draperies from the dry cleaner, they were folded on the hanger in a plastic bag.
I hang the drapery in the closet until they finish painting the dining room.
A month later I opened the drapery bag and discovered, the urine odor still there, I said to myself I cannot believe it, it’s still smells.
I called back the dry cleaner remind him who I am, and demand explanation, why my draperies still smelling? His answer was, sorry we did the best we could.
I Should have asked the dry cleaner before “if he guaranteed to remove the urine odor from my draperies”.
My advice to all the pet owners:
My name is Meir Martin I’m the owner and the inventor of PetPeePee system.
Ask more questions about odor removal, notified the business provider that upon delivery, you will smell the item thoroughly, and if any odor of: deodorize or chemicals will remain on the drapery, or the area rug, you’re not going to pay for the service.
This is the only way to find a real business that specialize to remove the urine odor the right way.
in writing: upon delivery put your nose, whatever you like on the clean item guarantee in writing, no trace of deodorize, chemical smell, enzyme in 100% urine odor removal permanently.