The PetPeePee® Nationwide Service specializes in removing Dog/Cat Urine Odor from Oriental Carpet and Draperies.
A cleaning process that makes sense!!
At the PetPeePee service, we never clean your Oriental rug using a scrubber or carpet cleaner equipment/chemical.
PetPeePee Company cleans high-quality Oriental rugs & Custom made Draperies newer or Antique. Delivering a 100% Guarantee in writing Urine odor removal Naturally by using the odor-free Dead Sea Cleaner, PetPeePee secret cleaner.
The Experience PetPeePee company gained since 1992. Building the XpetPee machine that washes the Oriental rug THROUGH the fiber rewarded the PetPeePee company with a FIVE-star review on Google.
The cleaning process that makes sense Is PetPeePee company!
PetPeePee has invented a cleaning product made from Organic Dead Sea minerals that are odor-free. Plus, we have built a state-of-the-art “XpetPee” vacuum floor machine that will clean through the rug, meaning that every part of the rug (the top, the middle, and the bottom) is cleaned/washed from urine, dirt, and soil. Our process is specifically designed to remove dog/cat urine odor from Oriental rugs, Area Carpet, and Draperies.
PetPeePee guarantees, in writing, 100% urine odor removal permanently!
A customer asks: How to Ship Antique Persian rug from Australia to Florida to be Clean from Urine Odor.
A customer asks: Mr. Borice: Shipping a Turkish rug from the United Kingdom to Florida to be Clean from cats Urine Odor it’s Possible?
A customer from Norway asks I own a Persian rug 3m X 4m. The color runs easily. Can Your service remove the dog’s urine odor and the color will not bleed.?
Interested to see how the PetPeePee System works? Browse our videos that are taken with the Inventor and Owner of PetPeePee, Meir Martin.
View Full Channel Here
About PetPeePee Service
Since 1991, PetPeePee Service has been providing essential assistance to pet owners.

Meir Martin, the Owner of PetPeePee service. Nationwide service and Pick up from South Florida
PetPeePee Service obliterates urine odor by its revolutionary cleaning product invented by Meir Martin, owner, and founder of PetPeePee. Using a natural blend of Dead Sea Minerals, urine bacteria is killed permanently by the strong power of the Dead Sea. Plus, because the natural blend of Minerals does not contain any soaps, fragrances, chemicals, or deodorizers, the urine odor is never masked by other smells or chemicals; you either smell pee or you don’t!
The patent-pending machine consists of a vacuum floor that is powerful enough to remove all dirt and debris from the rug but gentle enough never to damage or discolor your rug. Draperies are cleaned using a similar method; however, they are draped from top to bottom rather than laid down.
Unlike Dry Cleaning or Steam Cleaning, PetPeePee never scrubs or uses hard bristles on Oriental rugs that can cause the nap to be damaged or discolored.
Nationwide Service

Cleaning Antique Oriental rug from cat urine odor is PetPeePee specialist.
PetPeePee Service is located in Pompano Beach, FL. PetPeePee service provides Nationwide and International service for Pick up and delivery using DHL or UPS.
Email or Text pictures of your Oriental rug/Draperies on our Request an Estimate format 954-594-2564, and we will provide you the information ad pricing you are looking for.
Interesting to ship Draperies or Oriental rug PetPeePee company will arrange the UPS, DHL, FEDEX to pick up the items from your front door worldwide. Upon receiving, we will notify the item arrival, and we will send you the link on YouTube how we clean your Oriental rug or the draperies Before & after.