Never a Scrubber to clean a wool/ Silk Oriental Persian rug!
Publish by Meir Martin, the Owner of the PetPeePee company, Nationwide service for cleaning Oriental rugs from Urine odor.
Cleaning a restaurant floor, you need a scrubber!
Cleaning a rental apartment wall-to-wall carpet, you need a scrubber.
What is so good about a scrubber? It will be breakdown the grease dirt and traffic area dirt, making it easy to remove the dirt.
How does the scrubber work? Stating and pressing the fibers one to each other and rubbing the thread with a good amount of SOAP/ Enzymes break down the dirt from the carpet fibers.
The Carpet that we clean design to stand the aggressive brushing and the twisted brush of the scrubber.
On the other hand, the Oriental rug (wool Silk) is not designed to stand this aggressive brushing and the damage to the yarn and the oriental rug colors.
Most of the Oriental rug cleaners using the same types of equipment they using for cleaning carpet.
Scrubber Machine initially designs to clean the floor math a front of Home Depot and synthetic carpet.
Love your rug?. Don’t let a carpet cleaner clean your Oriental rug; Demand the writing color will never run guarantee and ask to watch the video: that shows your cleaning process.