Shipping an Expensive One of a kind Antique Persian Carpet from Japan to Florida to be clean from Cat urine odor?

、高価なアンティークのペルシャ絨毯を発送し 日本 猫の尿臭をきれいにするためにからフロリダにますか?

Antique Persian Carpet from Japan to Florida to be clean from Cat urine odor

Antique Persian Carpet from Japan shipped to Florida to be clean from Cat urine odor by PetPeePee company.

Hesitate to ship $50,000 Antique Oriental rug from Tokyo Japan to Florida USA, to be Clean from Cats Urine Odor?

DHL, UPS, and FedEx make the world smaller.

After trying all the cleaning processes and products in Japan,  Saudi Arabia, Israel, or Germany, you realize that no one can remove the cat’s urine odor from your Antique Persian Carpet and guarantee that the color will not run/bleed cleaning process. Please Stop.

 The PetPeePee in the United States invented a cleaning process that Guarantees in writing cat urine odor removal without covering up with a deodorizer or enzyme.

 Natural cleaning products from the Dead Sea are PetPeePee’s secret recipe. 

You’re probably saying to yourself. Every carpet cleaner can clean and remove the cat’s urine odor from the Persian rug and remove the odor, Maybe.

 Do you know the Rug color made with a Natural (vegetable) dye during the cleaning process? The color can bleed from the dark color to the lighter color (See the video attach)? It will go straight to the dumpster.

The benefits of cleaning the Antique Turkish carpet “THROUGH” the rug. Flooding the Antique rug on the top with natural odor-free cleaning products from the Dead Sea and vacuum from under the carpet. Washing the Rug Through the fiber is the only way to flush out the urine crystals that lock in the foundation of the Wool Antique Carpet, PetPeePee cleaning process.

Another carpet cleaner is washing your carpet from left to right using the Scrubber on the top, leaving the rug foundation untouched.

The next rug was shipped to PetPeePee warehouse in Florida from Illinois (1932 Kilometer). 

The lady said, “I had had this rug in my family for more than 40 years; it is in an excellent condition until my dogs decide to use it; the smells of the urine odor are powerful. 

Another example of why you should consider shipping your Antique Rug from whatever you are on the globe to PetPeePee® in Florida.

A customer said, “I  already took the antique carpet to a local rug cleaner. They said, “ cleaning the rug due to the smells and the natural dye, I cannot guarantee the removal of the urine odor, and the color may bleed.

PetPeePee Guarantee Color will never bleed during our cleaning process, duo to the XpetPee Machine and the Dead Sea cleaner, and the Reviews posted on Google PetPeePee Reviews prove “what I Promise I deliver.”

Would like to know who mister Meir Martin is: the inventor of the PetPeePee system; please see my artwork. 

Thank you very much for watching the PetPeePee® Video, Mr. Meir Martin. 

The video posted on YouTube, ” Cleaning on Oriental rug for the King,” got a comment from Mr. King.


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